Minimum Message Length (MML)
"Minimum message length (MML) is a formal information theory restatement of Occam's Razor: even when models are not equal in goodness of fit accuracy to the observed data, the one generating the shortest overall message is more likely to be correct (where the message consists of a statement of the model, followed by a statement of data encoded concisely using that model). MML was invented by Chris Wallace, first appearing in the seminal (Wallace and Boulton, 1968)."
Wikipedia (2008)
Top 10 Publications
WALLACE, C.S. and D.L. DOWE, 1999. Minimum Message Length and Kolmogorov Complexity . The Computer Journal. [Cited by 124 ] (14.53/year)
WALLACE, C.S., 1991. Classification by minimum-message-length inference . Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in …. [Cited by 39 ] (2.36/year)
ALLISON, L. and C.N. YEE, 1990. Minimum message length encoding and the comparison of macromolecules . Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. [Cited by 27 ] (1.54/year)
WALLACE, C.S., 2005. Statistical And Inductive Inference By Minimum Message Length . books.google.com. [Cited by 39 ] (15.39/year)
OLIVER, J.J., R.A. BAXTER and C.S. WALLACE, 1998. Minimum Message Length Segmentation . Research and Development in Knowledge Discovery and Data …. [Cited by 21 ] (2.20/year)
OLIVER, J.J., D.L. DOWE and C.S. WALLACE, 1992. Inferring decision graphs using the minimum message length principle. Proc. 5th Joint Conf. Artificial Intelligence. [Cited by 20 ] (1.29/year)
OLIVER, J.J., 1993. Decision graphs-an extension of decision trees . Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on …. [Cited by 56 ] (3.85/year)
ALLISON, L., C.S. WALLACE and C.N. YEE, 1991. Minimum Message Length Encoding, Evolutionary Trees and Multiple-Alignment . csse.monash.edu. [Cited by 17 ] (1.03/year)
BAXTER, R.A., 1996. Minimum Message Length Inference: Theory and Applications . Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer …. [Cited by 12 ] (1.04/year)
FARR, G.E. and C.S. WALLACE, 2002. The Complexity of Strict Minimum Message Length Inference . The Computer Journal. [Cited by 14 ] (2.53/year)
… , MONASH UNIVERSITY, MONASH UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF …, 2004. Message from Monte Carlo: A Framework for Minimum Message Length Inference Using Markov Chain Monte …. Monash University. [Cited by 2 ] (0.57/year)
AGUSTA, Y. and D.L. DOWE, 2002. Clustering of Gaussian and t Distributions using Minimum Message Length. Proc. International Conference Knowledge Based Computer …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.36/year)
AGUSTA, Y. and D.L. DOWE, 2003. Unsupervised Learning of Gamma Mixture Models using Minimum Message Length . Proc. Third IASTED Conf. Artificial Intelligence and …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.44/year)
AGUSTA, Y. and D.L. DOWE, 2003. Unsupervised learning of correlated multivariate Gaussian mixture models using MML . Proceedings 16th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial …. [Cited by 10 ] (2.21/year)
ALLISON, L. and C.N. YEE, 1990. Minimum message length encoding and the comparison of macromolecules . Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. [Cited by 27 ] (1.54/year)
ALLISON, L., C.S. WALLACE and C.N. YEE, 1991. Minimum Message Length Encoding, Evolutionary Trees and Multiple-Alignment . csse.monash.edu. [Cited by 17 ] (1.03/year)
ALLISON, L., C.S. WALLACE and C.N. YEE, 1992. Finite-state models in the alignment of macromolecules . Journal of Molecular Evolution. [Cited by 54 ] (3.48/year)
ALLISON, L., C.S. WALLACE and C.N. YEE, 1992. Minimum message length encoding, evolutionary trees and multiple alignment. 25 thHawaii Int. Conf. Sys. Sci. [Cited by 2 ] (0.13/year)
BAXTER, R., 1996. Minimum Message Length Inductive Inference: Theory and Applications. [Cited by 4 ] (0.35/year)
BAXTER, R.A. and J.J. OLIVER, 1996. The Kindest Cut: Minimum Message Length Segmentation . Algorithmic Learning Theory: 7th International Workshop, Alt …. [Cited by 11 ] (0.95/year)
BAXTER, R.A., 1996. Minimum Message Length Inference: Theory and Applications . Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer …. [Cited by 12 ] (1.04/year)
BAXTER, R.A., lip;. Minimum Message Length Inference: Theory andApplications. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, &h. [Cited by 2 ] (?/year)
BOUGUILA, N. and D. ZIOU, 2007. … and Estimation of a Finite Generalized Dirichlet Mixture Model Based on Minimum Message Length . Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions …. [Cited by 2 ] (3.74/year)
CHEESEMAN, P., 1990. The minimum message length criterion. Computational models of scientific discovery & theory …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.11/year)
COMLEY, J.W. and D.L. DOWE, Minimum message length and generalised bayesian networks with asymmetric languages. In Advances in Minimum Description Length: Theory and …. [Cited by 2 ] (?/year)
COMLEY, J.W. and D.L. DOWE, 2005. Minimum Message Length, MDL and Generalised Bayesian Networks with Asymmetric Languages, Chap. 11 in …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.79/year)
COMLEY, J.W., C. CAMPUS and D.L. DOWE, 2005. 11 Minimum Message Length and Generalized Bayesian Nets with Asymmetric Languages . Advances In Minimum Description Length: Theory And …. [Cited by 14 ] (5.52/year)
COOTES, T.F., et al. , 2004. Groupwise Diffeomorphic Non-rigid Registration for Automatic Model Building . Computer Vision-Eccv 2004: 8th European Conference on …. [Cited by 21 ] (5.94/year)
CS, C.S.W. and D.L. DOWE, 1999. Minimum Message Length and Kolmogorov Complexity. The computer Journal. [Cited by 2 ] (0.23/year)
DAI, H. and G. LI, 2002. An Improved Approach for the Discovery of Causal Models via MML . Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 6th Pacific …. [Cited by 9 ] (1.63/year)
DALE, M.B., 2001. Minimum message length clustering, environmental heterogeneity and the variable Poisson model . Community Ecology. [Cited by 5 ] (0.77/year)
DALE, M.B., L. SALMINA and L. MUCINA, 2001. Minimum message length clustering: an explication and some applications to vegetation data . Community Ecology. [Cited by 6 ] (0.92/year)
DAVIDSON, I., 1996. Clustering using the Minimum Message Length Criterion and Simulated Annealing . Proceedings of the 3 rdInternational AI Workshop, Brno, …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.17/year)
DOWE, D.L. and C.S. WALLACE, Kolmogorov complexity, minimum message length and inverse learning. 14th Australian Statistical Conference (ASC-14). [Cited by 7 ] (?/year)
DOWE, D.L. and C.S. WALLACE, 1997. Resolving the Neyman-Scott problem by Minimum Message Length. Computing Science and Statistics, Proc. 28th Symp. Interface. [Cited by 12 ] (1.14/year)
DOWE, D.L. and C.S. WALLACE, 1998. Kolmogorov complexity, minimum message length and inverse learning, abstract. 14th Australian Statistical Conference (ASC-14), Gold Coast, …. [Cited by 3 ] (0.31/year)
DOWE, D.L., et al. , 1996. Circular clustering of protein dihedral angles by minimum message length . Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. [Cited by 11 ] (0.95/year)
DOWE, D.L., et al. , 1998. Point Estimation Using the Kullback-Leibler Loss Function and MML . Research and Development in Knowledge Discovery and Data …. [Cited by 17 ] (1.78/year)
DOWE, D.L., J.J. OLIVER and C.S. WALLACE, 1996. MML Estimation of the Parameters of the Spherical Fisher Distribution . Algorithmic Learning Theory: 7th International Workshop, Alt …. [Cited by 18 ] (1.56/year)
EDWARDS, R.T. and D.L. DOWE, 1998. Single Factor Analysis in MML Mixture Modelling . Research and Development in Knowledge Discovery and Data …. [Cited by 13 ] (1.36/year)
EL, A. and D. ZIOU, 2002. Mixture Modelling Using Minimum Message Length. 13 thConference in Pattern Recognition and Artificial …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.36/year)
EVANS, S., S.F. BUSH and J. HERSHEY, 2001. Information Assurance through Kolmogorov Complexity . DARPA Information Survivability Conference & Exposition II. [Cited by 21 ] (3.21/year)
FARR, G.E. and C.S. WALLACE, 2002. The Complexity of Strict Minimum Message Length Inference . The Computer Journal. [Cited by 14 ] (2.53/year)
FIGUEIREDO, M.A.F. and A.K. JAIN, 2002. Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models . Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions …. [Cited by 391 ] (70.65/year)
FIGUEIREDO, M.A.T. and A.K. JAIN, log. Unsupervised Selection and Estimation of Finite Mixture Models . [Cited by 18 ] (?/year)
FIGUEIREDO, M.A.T., J.M.N. LEITAO and A.K. JAIN, 1999. On Fitting Mixture Models . Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern …. [Cited by 49 ] (5.74/year)
FITZGIBBON, L.J., D.L. DOWE and F. VAHID, 2004. Minimum message length autoregressive model order selection . Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, 2004. …. [Cited by 10 ] (2.83/year)
FITZGIBBON, L.J., D.L. DOWE and L. ALLISON, 2002. Change-Point Estimation Using New Minimum Message Length Approximations . PRICAI 2002: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 7th Pacific …. [Cited by 9 ] (1.63/year)
FITZGIBBON, L.J., D.L. DOWE and L. ALLISON, 2002. Univariate Polynomial Inference by Monte Carlo Message Length Approximation . Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on …. [Cited by 11 ] (1.99/year)
FITZGIBBON, L.J., L. ALLISON and D.L. DOWE, 2000. Minimum Message Length Grouping of Ordered Data . Algorithmic Learning Theory: 11th International Conference, …. [Cited by 12 ] (1.59/year)
FITZGIBBON, L.J., L. ALLISON and D.L. DOWE, 2000. Minimum message length grouping of ordered data, Algorithmic Learning Theory. 11th International Conference, ALT. [Cited by 2 ] (0.27/year)
GAMMERMAN, A. and V. VOVK, 1999. Kolmogorov Complexity: Sources, Theory and Applications . The Computer Journal. [Cited by 20 ] (2.34/year)
GRUNWALD, P., 2004. A tutorial introduction to the minimum description length principle . Arxiv preprint math.ST/0406077. [Cited by 51 ] (14.43/year)
GRüNWALD, P., 2000. Model Selection Based on Minimum Description Length . Journal of Mathematical Psychology. [Cited by 58 ] (7.70/year)
GRüNWALD, P.D., M.A. PITT and I.J. MYUNG, 2005. Advances In Minimum Description Length: Theory And Applications . books.google.com. [Cited by 19 ] (7.50/year)
HANSEN, M.H. and B. YU, 2001. Model Selection and the Principle of Minimum Description Length. . Journal of the American Statistical Association. [Cited by 202 ] (30.91/year)
HARRISON, P., 2001. A non-hierarchical procedure for re-synthesis of complex textures . Proc. WCSG. [Cited by 67 ] (10.25/year)
HORVITZ, E. and T. PAEK, 1999. A computational architecture for conversation . Proceedings of the seventh international conference on User …. [Cited by 71 ] (8.32/year)
HSU, J.M. and P. BANERJEE, 1992. Performance measurement and trace driven simulation of parallel CADand numeric applications on a … . Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. [Cited by 54 ] (3.48/year)
HU, Y.C., A. PERRIG and D.B. JOHNSON, INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the …. Packet leashes: a defense against wormhole attacks in wireless networks . [Cited by 401 ] (?/year)
KONTKANEN, P., et al. , 1998. Bayesian and information-theoretic priors for Bayesian network parameters . Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Machine …. [Cited by 10 ] (1.05/year)
LANTERMAN, A.D., 2001. Schwarz, Wallace, and Rissanen: Intertwining Themes in Theories of Model Selection . International Statistical Review/Revue Internationale de …. [Cited by 19 ] (2.91/year)
LAW, M.H.C., M.A.T. FIGUEIREDO and A.K. JAIN, 2004. Simultaneous feature selection and clustering using mixture models . Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions …. [Cited by 73 ] (20.66/year)
MCLACHLAN, G.J., et al. , 1999. The EMMIX software for the fitting of mixtures of normal and t-components . Journal of Statistical Software. [Cited by 65 ] (7.62/year)
NEEDHAM, S.L. and D.L. DOWE, 2001. Message length as an effective Ockham's razor in decision tree induction . Proc. 8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence …. [Cited by 24 ] (3.67/year)
OLIVER, J. and D. HAND, 1994. Introduction to Minimum Encoding Inference . w1.nada.kth.se. [Cited by 36 ] (2.66/year)
OLIVER, J., R.A. BAXTER and C.S. WALLACE, 1996. Unsupervised learning using MML . Proceedings of the 13 thICML, Bari, Italy. [Cited by 61 ] (5.29/year)
OLIVER, J.J. and D.L. DOWE, Minimum Message Length Mixture Modelling of Spherical von Mises-Fisher distributions. Proc. Sydney International Statistical Congess (SISC-96). [Cited by 3 ] (?/year)
OLIVER, J.J. and R.A. BAXTER, 1994. MML and Bayesianism: Similarities and differences . Dept. Comput. Sci. Monash Univ., Clayton, Victoria, …. [Cited by 28 ] (2.07/year)
OLIVER, J.J., 1993. Decision graphs-an extension of decision trees . Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on …. [Cited by 56 ] (3.85/year)
OLIVER, J.J., D.L. DOWE and C.S. WALLACE, 1992. Inferring decision graphs using the minimum message length principle. Proc. 5th Joint Conf. Artificial Intelligence. [Cited by 20 ] (1.29/year)
OLIVER, J.J., R.A. BAXTER and C.S. WALLACE, 1998. Minimum Message Length Segmentation . Research and Development in Knowledge Discovery and Data …. [Cited by 21 ] (2.20/year)
OOI, J.N. and D.L. DOWE, 2005. Inferring Phylogenetic Graphs of Natural Languages using Minimum Message Length . 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial …. [Cited by 3 ] (1.18/year)
PATRICK, J.D. and I. GOYAL, 2001. Boosted Decision Graphs for NLP Learning Tasks . Proceedings of CoNLL. [Cited by 11 ] (1.68/year)
PRIOR, M., et al. , 1998. Are There Subgroups within the Autistic Spectrum? A Cluster Analysis of a Group of Children with … . The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied …. [Cited by 70 ] (7.34/year)
QUINLAN, J.R., 1995. MDL and categorical theories (continued) . Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Machine …. [Cited by 43 ] (3.43/year)
RISSANEN, J., 1999. Discussion of paper'Minimum Message Length and Kolmogorov Complexity'by CS Wallace and DL Dowe . The Computer Journal. [Cited by 3 ] (0.35/year)
ROBERTS, S.J., et al. , 1998. Bayesian approaches to Gaussian mixture modeling . Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions …. [Cited by 109 ] (11.43/year)
RUMANTIR, G.W. and M.O.N.A.S.H. UNIVERSITY, 2003. Minimum Message Length Criterion for Second-order Polynomial Model Selection Applied to Tropical … . Springer. [Cited by 2 ] (0.44/year)
RUMANTIR, G.W., 2006. Minimum Message Length Criterion for Second-Order Polynomial Model Discovery . Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Current Issues and New …. [Cited by 3 ] (1.96/year)
SIMS, C.J., et al. , 2000. Predicting cesarean delivery with decision tree models . Am J Obstet Gynecol. [Cited by 9 ] (1.19/year)
SOLOMONOFF, R., 1999. Two Kinds of Probabilistic Induction . The Computer Journal. [Cited by 15 ] (1.76/year)
TAKAGI, A., S. YAMADA and S. SUGAWARA, 1983. CSMA/CD with Deterministic Contention Resolution . Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on. [Cited by 13 ] (0.53/year)
TAN, P.J. and D.L. DOWE, 2003. MML Inference of Decision Graphs with Multi-way Joins and Dynamic Attributes . AI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 16th …. [Cited by 12 ] (2.65/year)
TAN, P.J. and D.L. DOWE, LNAI. MML inference of decision graphs with multi-way joins . Proc. 15th Australian Joint Conf. on AI. [Cited by 12 ] (?/year)
TAN, P.J. and D.L. DOWE, Proc. 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial …. MML inference of oblique decision trees . [Cited by 14 ] (?/year)
THOMAS, I., et al. , 1996. Lexical Access Using Minimum Message Length Encoding . Pricai'96: Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 4th Pacific …. [Cited by 3 ] (0.26/year)
THOMAS, I., et al. , 1997. Lexical access for speech understanding using Minimum Message Length encoding . UAI97-Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.19/year)
TORR, P.H.S., 1997. An assessment of information criteria for motion model selection . Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1997. Proceedings., …. [Cited by 60 ] (5.70/year)
VASQUES, F. and G. JUANOLE, 1994. Pre-run-time schedulability analysis in Fieldbus networks . Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, 1994. …. [Cited by 16 ] (1.18/year)
VISWANATHAN, M., et al. , 1999. Finding Outpoints in Noisy Binary Sequences ARevised Empirical Evaluation . Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Australian …. [Cited by 11 ] (1.29/year)
VITANYI, P.M.B., M. LI and A. CWI, 2000. Minimum description length induction, Bayesianism, and Kolmogorovcomplexity . Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on. [Cited by 100 ] (13.27/year)
WALLACE, C., K. KORB and H. DAI, 1996. Causal Discovery via MML . Proc. 13th International Conference on Machine Learning. [Cited by 40 ] (3.47/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and D.L. DOWE, 1994. Intrinsic classification by MML-the Snob program . Proceedings of the 7th Australian Joint Conference on …. [Cited by 75 ] (5.54/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and D.L. DOWE, 1994. Estimation of the von Mises concentration parameter using Minimum Message Length. Proc. 12th Australian Statistical Soc. Conf., Monash …. [Cited by 7 ] (0.52/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and D.L. DOWE, 1997. MML mixture modelling of multi-state, Poisson, von Mises circular and Gaussian distributions . Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Artif. Intelligence and …. [Cited by 13 ] (1.23/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and D.L. DOWE, 1999. Minimum Message Length and Kolmogorov Complexity . The Computer Journal. [Cited by 124 ] (14.53/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and D.L. DOWE, 2000. MML clustering of multi-state, Poisson, von Mises circular and Gaussian distributions . Statistics and Computing. [Cited by 65 ] (8.63/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and J.D. PATRICK, 1993. Coding Decision Trees . Machine Learning. [Cited by 145 ] (9.98/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and P.R. FREEMAN, 1987. Estimation and Inference by Compact Coding . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B ( …. [Cited by 335 ] (16.31/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and P.R. FREEMAN, 1989. Single Factor Analysis by MML Estimation . csse.monash.edu. [Cited by 25 ] (1.35/year)
WALLACE, C.S. and P.R. FREEMAN, 1992. Single-Factor Analysis by Minimum Message Length Estimation . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B ( …. [Cited by 13 ] (0.84/year)
WALLACE, C.S., 1991. Classification by minimum-message-length inference . Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in …. [Cited by 39 ] (2.36/year)
WALLACE, C.S., 1995. Multiple Factor Analysis by MML Estimation . [Cited by 21 ] (1.68/year)
WALLACE, C.S., 1998. Intrinsic Classification of Spatially Correlated Data . The Computer Journal. [Cited by 21 ] (2.20/year)
WALLACE, C.S., 2005. Statistical And Inductive Inference By Minimum Message Length . books.google.com. [Cited by 39 ] (15.39/year)
ZAKIS, J.D., I. COSIC and D.L. DOWE, … protein spectra derived for the Resonant Resonant Recognition model using the Minimum Message Length …. 17th Australian Computer Science Conference (ACSC-17). [Cited by 2 ] (?/year)
ZHAO, W. and K. RAMAMRITHAM, 1987. Virtual time CSMA protocols for hard real-time communication. . IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. [Cited by 109 ] (5.31/year)
ZUKERMAN, I. and S. GEORGE, 2002. A minimum message length approach for argument interpretation . Proceedings of the 3rd SIGdial workshop on Discourse and …. [Cited by 4 ] (0.72/year)